
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sketch Book

So, I JUST NOW put up a new page that will have all of the work I do in between paintings and serious artwork called "Sketchbook."  The page has sketches, doodles and things that I fancy to draw.  I'll show you some of what's over there now.


  1. This is great! Anyone who is a literary buff,will take one look at this and their first thought's gonna be Kipling's 'Just-So Stories'!Outstanding!Methinks Rudyard would would appreciate(not to mention cracking a small smile)at this fantastical drawing.----Kudos for the imagination! sdltrmp

  2. These are awesome! I love the elephants! what lovely lives they lead....

  3. Thanx, and I might possibly be making some variations on this and create some art for their lovely and interesting lives:)
